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FAQ- HCOS Scripture Memorization Challenge

Which Psalms will be the focus for the Challenge?

For students wanting to learn 35 verses, the verses will be: Psalm 1, 13, 23, 57, and 150.
For students wanting to learn 70 verses, they will memorize the 35 verse selections as well as: Psalm 8, 30, 98, and 100.
For students wanting to cover 105 verses, they will memorize all of the preceding verse selections as well as: Psalm 46 and 139.

What translation should we memorize from?

This is your choice, but please choose a translation, not a paraphrase. Some recommended translations are: NIV, KJV, NKJV, NASB, and NLT.

We’ve already selected verses to memorize this year. May we use these verses for the Challenge?

Yes! Other verses may be used for the Memorization Challenge, if the student has not memorized them previously. Remember to learn the references and review consistently throughout the year so all verses can be recited in one sitting and reported in May. Hint: giving verses a title helps in recall.

My child memorizes verses in Awana and Sunday School. Can they use these verses instead of memorizing from the Psalms?

Yes! Students may use these verses towards the HCOS Memorization Challenge. Students will need to review and be able to say all of their verses in one sitting to a non-immediate family member and report it in May. Remember to work on references and review, review!

My child has learning challenges, or is in K-2 and and I feel the verses in the Psalms would be difficult for them, but would still benefit from regular exposure to God’s Word. Is there an option for that?

Yes! All students will benefit from regular exposure to God’s Word. Students with learning challenges of all types for whom the traditional “memorize and recite” method is not compatible are invited to engage in one of the suggestions on the bottom of the HCOS Memorization Challenge tracking sheet. While we have tried to be as inclusive as possible with the suggestions presented, please feel free to adapt as needed. We would appreciate it if you would share the adaptations you make with us by email so that we can work to make our program increasingly inclusive.

When is the deadline to complete and report the memorization?

The deadline to complete and report the HCOS Memorization Challenge accomplishments is May 23, 2024. To be eligible for a prize, the student must say all their verses in one sitting to a non-immediate family member (grandparents/aunts/uncles qualify). More specific details regarding this will be sent in the beginning of May. Remember to keep reviewing throughout the year. References should to be memorized. All verses need to be recited in one sitting and reported by the deadline.

Begin the Memorization Challenge right away and enjoy diving into God’s Word! Time spent memorizing is time invested in eternity. Two things are eternal – people and the Word. Memorizing as a family is investing in both!

If you are ready to join the HCOS Bible Memorization Challenge:
  1. Let your teacher know your decision to memorize and register on the Learning Groups Website
  2. Choose a realistic goal for the number of verses to memorize based on student ability and desire.
  3. Watch your email with goal/tracking sheet and encouragement and ideas for memorization once you’ve registered.
  4. Choose your translation – please choose a translation, not a paraphrase (NIV, KJV, NKJV, NASB, NLT are recommended).
  5. Start memorizing! Plan to review your verses, so that you remember them for life, and so they can all be recited at the end of the year.