Government Communication Policy
Heritage Christian Online School is a part of the educational ministries of Kelowna Christian Center Society (KCCS). Kelowna Christian Center Society is the Board Authority for HCOS.
Through the Ministry of Education & Child Care, the BC government defines our role and authority through the Independent School Act of 1996. It is through this legislation that BC allows religious education to receive partial funding while being accountable to the Office of the Inspector of Independent Schools.
This policy is intended to provide communication parameters for HCOS staff with any public office holders (government), whether elected or appointed. Communication includes any of the following methods: email, phone, text, meetings, letters, social media, etc.
The HCOS Heads of School, consisting of the Academic Head of School and the Business Head of School, are the primary designates authorized to communicate with the government in an official capacity on behalf of HCOS, including lobbying on behalf of HCOS and KCCS as defined by the Lobbying Transparency Act as “intent to influence a decision or policy.”
In addition, other HCOS administrators are also authorized to communicate with government officials or staff in areas directly related to their role for the purposes of operational clarity or as part of an obligated function of their duties. Under no circumstances may an HCOS administrator, other than the Heads of School, act as a lobbyist in accordance with the Lobbying Transparency Act.
Any other individual associated with HCOS is not authorized as an agent acting on behalf of HCOS or KCCS to communicate with government officials or staff and does not necessarily reflect the views, policies, mission or values of HCOS.