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Evaluation Policy

The Head of Schools, Chief Operating Officer, Divisional Directors (Principals), Schoolother Leadership,school leaders, teachers and support staff are evaluated on a regular basis. Evaluations are intended to celebrate what staff are doing well, offer input and support for areas of growth, and ensure people feel seen and valued for their hard work at HCOS.

AsEvaluations employees,for all positions are conducted by the staff person's direct supervisor, with the Head of Schools and Chief Operating Officer being evaluated by the KCCS Board of Directors.

School staff members are evaluated every second year. Supervisors have latitude for the timing of support staff evaluations, while school leadership positions will be generally evaluated in February and March.March, and teachers are evaluated in April and May (on five year cycles, after an evaluation the first year). 

Recently-hired staff members who have a three month probationary review in their first year of employment do not need an additional annual review within the same calendar year. Their first annualregular reviewevaluation can take place in their second year at HCOS, unless the supervisor feels it necessary to have one sooner. Their second evaluation will then be completed in their fourth year of employment.


  1. Staff member completes a self-evaluation
  2. Supervisor completes a staff evaluation
  3. A face to face meeting (on Zoom or in person) isoccurs, bookedwith accompanying notes documented and notescomments areadded takenif applicable
  4. AllEvaluation meeting summary form is completed and signed by the supervisor and staff person
  5. Evaluation forms are signed and submitted to HR.HR
  6. Tracking spreadsheet is checked off signifying that the evaluation is complete.complete

willSupervisors bemay evaluatedinitiate asan theyevaluation nearoutside of the endregular ofscheduled their first year of employment with Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS). This evaluation will be comprised of two parts: Administrator’s Self-Evaluation and Supervisor's Evaluation. The two components will be summarized by the Supervisor and will be presented face-to-face with the Administrator.

A written summary will be submitted to be signed by both the Administrator and the Supervisor. The Administrator will keep one copy. A second copy will be placed in their HR file. Administrators will be evaluated annually.

Administrators may be evaluatedfrequency at the Supervisor's discretion. The Head of Schools and/or Chief Operating Officer should be made aware of circumstances that may warrant an additional evaluation, and provide approval to ensure unbiased decision making. If concerns arise regarding their performance,so, the individualstaff person will be informed in writing that they will be evaluated sooner than scheduled.