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Who is my LS Consultant?

This page provides names and geographical locations for the various Learning Service Consultants here at HCOS.

Interior & North:

LS Regional Administrator (RA): Michelle Nimchuk

Supports students who are in the Interior who are:

  • Grade 10-12 LS
  • Designated K-R, K-9 
  • High Needs LS (those going through assessment/designation process)

Works with Interior Team:

Philippa Moir (SE) Carol Wicks (SE) Amber Haas (K-9) Anthony Kuchma(GA)

And the Northern Team:

Celeste Van Breda (SE) Nancy Gullason (K-9)  Diana Mohninger (GA)

LS Consultant: Elaine Rodwell
  • Located in Kelowna
  • Calendar link (to book meeting times): Elaine's LS Calendar
  • (K-9 RA) for this region

Supports the following teachers and their students:

Name Location    Name Location   Name Location
Aneta Coulter Kamloops   Kathy Kanda Merritt   Sylvia Gibbs Kelowna
Carrie Despres Kelowna   Leanna Kohnke Kelowna   Veronica Kayban Kelowna
Deanne Allen Kelowna   Lesley Schrottner Kelowna      
      Lisa Dietrich  Kelowna      
Geneva Kirk Kelowna   Lori Taetz Kelowna      
Jasmin Friesen Kelowna   Lydia McAndrew Kamloops      
Jeff Laird Kamloops   Miranda Akurienne Kelowna      
Julianne McLaren Kelowna   Roberta MacDonald Kelowna      
Karmen Wale Kamloops   Sarah Laurie Edmonton      
Kathryn Schultz Kamloops   Shelley Chupik Kamloops      
LS Consultant: Destiny Ward

Supports the following Interior teachers and their students:

Name Location   Name Location
Aimee Imbeau Vernon   Rebecca Cameron Lake Country
Amber Haas Lake Country   Robyn Friberg  Vernon
Brenda Gaynor Salmon Arm   Sarah Zuidhof Sorrento
Charlotte Stace Coldstream   Shannon Beglaw Kelowna
Christine Moline Oliver   Wendell Dalke Cranbrook
Colleen Erzinger Peachland      
Cyndie Hunter Salmon Arm      
John Hengen Creston      
Laura Klassen Vernon      
Laura Merz Kelowna      

And the following Northern teachers and their students:


Location   Name Location 
Clarice Lomavatu Williams Lake   Sabrina Lukkarinen Kelowna
Colin Wellum Ft. St. John   Tracy Krauss Tumbler Ridge
Destiny Ward Ft. St. John      
Erica McNaughton Ft. St. John      
Janine Hanson Prince George      
Jill Janzen Ft. St. John      
Lisa Franco Prince George      
Nancy Gullason Ft. St.John      
Niki Hildebrandt Kelowna      
Rob Wahl  Terrace      

Lower Mainland:

LS Regional Administrator (RA): Denise McLaughlin

Supports students who are in the Lower Mainland who are:

  • Grade 10 - 12 LS
  • Designated K-R
  • High Needs LS (those going through assessment process) 

Works with Regional Admin Team:

Name Role   Name Role 
Heidi Geisbrecht SE RA    Sharon Gibbs  SE RA Assistant
Jinhee Choe K-9 RA West    Eric Vanee  GA - East
Steve Codling K-9 RA East   Tara Klukas GA - West
LS Consultant: Working with LM East - Marcia Mishchenko 
  • Located in Surrey
  • Calendar link (to book meeting times): Marcia's LS Calendar
  • Steve Codling is the Regional Admin for this Region
  • Supports the following teachers and their students:
Name Location   Name Location    Name  Location
Allana Lemke Abbotsford   Laura Lemon Chilliwack   Sara Kraushar  Aldergrove
Amy Chan Kin Langley   Linda Klassen Chilliwack   Steve Codling  Mission
Anna-May Taekema Abbotsford   Lisa Hackett Abbotsford      
Beril Taylor Langley    Lore Wolf Langley      
Brittanie Thiessen Chilliwack   Lorena Von Riesen Mission      
Chelsea Daigneault Langley   Maggie Berard Langley      
Darlene Unger Abbotsford   Melanie Derksen Chilliwack      
Janna Olydam Chilliwack   Melanie Visscher Abbotsford      
Jennifer Barkman Chilliwack   Michelle Worobetz Chilliwack      
Kevin Krikke Chilliwack   Sara-Lee Hamre Langley      
LS Consultant: Working with LM West - Marcia Mishchenko
  • Jinhee Choe is the K-9 RA for this Region
  • Supports the following teachers and their students:
Name Location   Name Location 
Alexandra LeFleur Surrey   Karen Roeck Langley
Andria Lengkeek Surrey   Laura Hawkins Surrey 
Breanne Rosenau Squamish   Mark Daley Surrey
Chelsey Kasper Langley   Pat Mackesy Delta
Cindy Keung Vancouver   Paul Munnalall Langley
Elly Schoepp Sechelt   Pippa Davies Surrey
Eric Vanee Burnaby   Stephanie Pasiuk Whistler
Helen Lee  Surrey    Steve Frisen Surrey
Jinhee Choe Surrey      
Johnson Chiang Coquitlam      

Vancouver Island:

LS Regional Administrator (RA): Alison Ellis 

Supports students who are on Vancouver Island and who are:

  • Grade 10 -12 LS
  • Designated K-R
  • High Needs LS (those going through assessment process 

Works with Regional Admin Team:

Jenn McDonald (SE) Nicole Terpstra (K-9) Ryan Titley (GA)

LS Consultant: Nola Morgan 

Supports the following teachers and their students:

Name Location   Name Location 
Beverly Scholman Nanaimo   Marie Boetgger Powell River
Brad Gibson Campbell River   Marika Neal Errington
Cheryl Hillman Port Alberni   Mark Lamden Powell River
Chris Robinson Campbell River   Mitra Evans Nanaimo
Claire Pollok Victoria   Monique Robertson Campbell River
Danielle Rodda Victoria    Rachael Rennie Parksville
Deidre Lay Victoria   Trish VanDop Nanaimo
Heather Brown Victoria   Trish Ensing Victoria
Ingrid de Villiers Powell River      
Lenna Heffernan Comox