Accessibility: The Principles in the Accessible B.C. Act
ThisThe pageAccessible providesB.C. namesAct includes a list of principles that must be considered as organizations develop an accessibility plan. The Definitions are adapted from the foundational document BC Framework for Accessibility Legislation.
1. Adaptability: Accessibility plans should reflect that disability and geographicalaccessibility locationsare evolving concepts that change as services, technology, and attitudes change.
2. Collaboration: Promoting accessible communities is a shared responsibility and everyone has a role to play. Accessibility plans should create opportunities for Organizations and communities to work together to promote access and inclusion.
3. Diversity: Every person is unique. People with disabilities are individuals with varied backgrounds. Individual characteristics including race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and lived experience greatly inform the variousexperiences Learningof Serviceindividuals. ConsultantsAccessibility hereplans atshould HCOS.acknowledge the principle of intersectionality and the diversity within the disability community.
LS4. OrganizationalInclusion: Chart
All K-9British OrganizationalColumbians, Chart
including Interiorpersons &with North:
disabilities, LS Regionalshould Administratorbe (RA):able Michelleto Nimchukparticipate
fully - and
Locatedequally inHedleytheir Calendarcommunities.link5.
(Self-Determination: Accessibility plans should seek tobookempowermeetingpeopletimes):withMichelle'sdisabilitiesCalendlytoLSmakeCalendartheir own
Supports6. studentsUniversal Design: The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design defines Universal Design as “the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability.” An accessibility plan should be designed to meet the needs of all people who areinteract inwith the Interior who are:
Grade 10-12 LSDesignated K-R, K-9High Needs LS (those going through assessment/designation process)
Works with Interior Team:Organization.
Philippa Moir (SE) Carol Wicks (SE) Amber Haas (K-9) Anthony Kuchma(GA)
And the Northern Team:
Celeste Van Breda (SE) Nancy Gullason (K-9) Diana Mohninger (GA)
LS Consultant: Elaine Rodwell
Located in KelownaCalendar link (to book meeting times):Elaine's Calendly LS Calendar
Interior K-9
Elaine supports the following K-9 teachers and their students:Amber Haasis K-9 RA for this region
Interior SE- A
Elaine also supports the following SE Teachers' with their LS students. SE RA is Philippa Moir
LS Consultant: Destiny Ward
Located in Ft. St. JohnCalendar link (to book meeting times):Destiny's Calendly LS Calendar
Interior K-9
Amber Haasis the K-9 RA for this regionDestiny supports the following Interior teachers and their students:
Interior SE - B
Destiny supports the following Interior teachers and their studentsThere SE RA isCarol Wicks
Destiny also supports the following Northern teachers and their students:Nancy Gullasonis K-9 RA for the Northern Region
North SE
Destiny also supports the following Northern SE teachers and their students:Celeste Van Bredais the SE RA
Lower Mainland:
LS Regional Administrator (RA): Denise McLaughlin
Located in SurreyCalendar link (to book meeting times):Denise's Calendly LS Calendar
Supports students who are in the Lower Mainland who are:
Grade 10 - 12 LSDesignated K-RHigh Needs LS (those going through assessment process)
Works with Regional Admin Team:
Heidi GiesbrechtSE RASharon GibbsSE RA AssistantJinhee ChoeK-9 RA WestSteve CodlingK-9 RA EastTara KlukasGA - WestEric VaneeGA - East
LS Consultant: Marcia Mishchenko
Located in SurreyCalendar link (to book meeting times):Marcia's Calendly LS Calendar
Steve Codlingis the Regional Admin for the Lower Mainland East RegionSupports the following teachers and their students:
Jinhee Choeis the K-9 RA for the Lower Mainland West RegionSupports the following teachers and their students: (K-9)
Marcia also supports SE Teachers (East and West)Heidi Giesbrechtis the SE RA
Vancouver Island:
LS Regional Administrator (RA): Alison Ellis
Located in VictoriaCalendar link (to book meeting times):Alison's Calendly LS Calendar
Supports students who are on Vancouver Island and who are:
Grade 10 -12 LSDesignated K-RHigh Needs LS (those going through assessment process)
Works with Regional Admin Team:
Jenn McDonald (SE) Nicole Terpstra (K-9) Ryan Titley (GA)
LS Consultant: Nola Morgan
Located in Powell RiverCalendar link (to book meeting times):Nola's Calendly LS Calendar
Supports the following teachers and their students: K-9
Nola also supports the island's SE Teachers's LS studentsJenn McDonaldis RA