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Student Record Policy


In this Student Records Policy, the following terms have the meanings set out below:

StudentStudent” means a prospective, current, or past student of Flex Academy.

ParentParent” means the parent, guardian, or other legal representative of a student.

The schoolschool” means Flex Academy.

Student record,record,” as defined in the Independent School Act and referenced in this policy, refers to a record of information in written or electronic form in respect to a student.  It is the information located in a file that consists of parent and student demographics, medical concerns, discipline, and scholastic achievements.

Permanent Student Record (PSR or 1704)” means the official document that records the student’s education.

Home Contact CardCard” means the record of information from the parent(s) that includes the doctor’s contact information, medical concerns, authorized people that can pick up the student from school and authorized people for medical responses.


Flex Academy prides itself on being an organization that follows the guidelines of PIPA (Privacy Information Protection Act) by protecting the confidentiality of information that flows within the school as well as information that is sent to any other organizations that are associated in the education field.


The Ministry of Education is the governing body that directs the guidelines of the storage and flow of information within the school and to other schools.  Flex Academy falls within the authority of this governing body.  The Ministry of Education acts as the adjudicating body for storage and transfer of student records, as per the Requirements and Best Practice Guidelines for Independent Schools.


Each student file includes the following:

Current Enrolment/Re-enrolment Form

Identification: Birth Certificate, Care Card, Guardian’s Drivers License

Permission & Release of Liability Form

Permanent Student Record Card

Current Medical Papers (if any)

Past Enrolments Forms (in descending order)

Past Report Cards (in descending order)

Home Contact Card (unattached at back)

Loose on top: current report cards and IEP (If applicable)

Receiving of Records

A Student Records Request is used to request records from the student’s previous school. Once received, records are to be placed and kept in the student’s file.


Current student files are stored in secure, fireproof filing cabinets.  Previous student files are stored in a separate, locked room. All student file contents are scanned and are located on a secure network drive.  Access is restricted to only those employees who, by nature of their work, are required to see the student files. All required records will be kept for a period of not less than 55 years.

Transfer of Records

School will follow the guidelines outlined in the Best Practice Guidelines for Independent Schools, June 2012 Section IV.

Transferring of student records occurs when a request comes directly from the future institution. Confirmation from the parent or guardian must be obtained prior to the transfer.

All information in the file is transferred to the future institution with the exception of any letters, the signed form to release the records and a copy of the PSR. These items will remain in the student file at Flex Academy.

Request for Transcripts

A request for a transcript must come from the student that has attended FA. Transcripts are processed by admissions staff only and are sent directly to the institution that the student has requested. These transcripts are processed with the school seal and then are placed in a sealed envelope before being sent by Canada Post to admissions office of the future school.