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Behaviour Policy

Level 1 Behaviours

Classroom Level Management

Level 2 Behaviours

Admin Level Management

Level 3 Behaviours

Admin Level Management

Teacher Led

Teacher Led w/ Admin Supp.

Admin Led

  • Interruptions

  • Reluctant/Non Producer

  • Physical Horseplay

  • Minor Disrespect

  • Minor Disrespect for property

  • Inappropriate language  

  • Dishonesty

  • Irresponsible/Unsafe Choices 

  • Displays of Affection

  • Dress Code Violations (see DC policy) 

  • Minor misuse of technology

  • Repeated Level 1 Behaviours

  • Threatening Behaviour

  • Defiance

  • Off Campus

  • Vandalism

  • Truancy

  • Misuse of Technology

  • Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty

  • Failing to Attend Level 1 Consequence 

  • 3 Lates in a one week period

  • Repeated Level 2 Behaviours

  • Violence

  • Drug/Alcohol Use and Abuse

  • Gross Misconduct (see handbook)

  • Abuse toward staff and school community 

  • 3rd Truancy Incident

  • 3 Level 2 late consequences in one quarter

  • Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty on Major Assignment

Level 1 Procedures:
Removal from classroom and reflection form 

o Purpose - To give cool down time and create a means of tracking situations and communication

o Provide option of waiting till the end of the block or immediate return after form is completed 

o Forms are to be completed by the student, returned to the teacher, and the teacher must scan and email to Mike

o Removed students are to be sat outside of the classroom, on the floor, and are to finish the form and wait for the teacher to make contact 

Communication home

o It is crucial that students and parents are informed of the situation to understand we will try to manage as much as possible in class. The best way to build respect and preserve the relationship between the teacher, student(s), and class is to find resolution without the administration stepping in. Admin is still available to help, but only when the situation warrants.

o Regardless of the number of incident forms, the teacher must make contact with the guardian and receive a reply before the admin is involved. These communications must be tracked and should cc or be forwarded to Mike.  

Note: In order to move from level 1 to 2, contact must be made by the teacher with the student’s guardian(s) preferably by both email and phone call. Admin must be given a record of this progression with corresponding incident form(s), record of communication(s), and management strategies used. 

**The goal is to maintain the relationship between the teacher, student(s), and parent(s) without admin intervention.

Tools to aid the intervention of each level:

                Level 1 Tools 

Level 2 Tools 

Level 3 Tools

Non-verbal & verbal cues 

Move within classroom 

Taken-aside for discussion 

Serving classroom (cleaning boards, gym, put up chairs, etc) 

Temporary removal of digital devices 

Owed time * 

Removal from classroom & reflection  form 

Classroom detentions * 

Contact home to parents, MUST take place before moving onto Level 2 

Academic probation 



Lunch-hour detentions x 2 

Academic probation 

Loss of off-campus privileges 

After school study hall 

Lunch hour study hall 

Loss of privileges 

Off campus 



Access to WiFi 

Digital devices 

Field trips 

Allowance of study blocks







Behaviour Management Flowchart