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HCOS Computer Leases

Leasing a Computer through HCOS using Curriculum Funds

HCOS provides leased computers and iPads to students as a service, not an entitlement. The student's Teacher MUST give their approval and provide choice of computer or iPad unit.  The Teacher must also ensure that the need and use of the computer is entered into the Student SLP....and, naturally, there should be sufficient funds in their curriculum Encom account to cover the cost. (Yes, parents can pay the difference in the first year so the 1st payment is covered) Please note that students in the Grad program, Grades 10 through 12, are funded PER course, not PER student, thus there is usually no funding available to lease a computer. (Only Individualized students would have access to some curriculum funding)

To Arrange for a Computer Lease, first point the family to the Computer Lease Document, found here.

Please remember to educate the family on the HCOS Computer Lease Payment schedule:









* There is an optional buyout in the 3rd year if the family wants to keep the computer.

Once the Computer Lease Form has been filled out and approved by the HCOS Teacher, the HCOS Teacher will fill out the HCOS Online Computer Order Form, found here. The Online Order Form provides a place to Upload the Computer Lease Form that was originally completed by the parent.

Failure to attend to any of these steps will delay the ordering of any computer equipment.

Please note.  HCOS has an agreement with Staples to provide both Delivery and Warranty for HCOS Computer Equipment at reasonable prices, which will include extended warranty.  Families who find online bargains are welcome to use their own personal funds for the purchase of units at "bargain prices" (you get what you pay for). Remember that any online price does not include the cost of warranty or tax...which must be factored into the final price.

So, let's recap the process:

STEP 1: Confirm there are sufficient curriculum funds in Encom, then work with family to determine choice of computer.

STEP 2: Get the family to fill out, and sign the Computer Lease form found here. (Yes, you also have to sign and approve)

STEP 3: Fill out and submit the Online Computer Order form found here. You can upload the Computer Lease form at that time. (There are model suggestions for computers on this form)

And that's it!

NOTE: Please DO NOT order a ChromeBook.  HCOS is getting a large amount of returns from families who find that ChromeBooks DO NOT meet their technical needs for courses, etc.