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First Aid Policy

This page provides information on the First Aid Policy for LearningFlex Groups events.Academy.

LGFlex CoordinatorsAcademy and/has orthe Instructors are encouraged to obtain a current and applicablefollowing First Aid certificate.  Each CC location is required to have a designated certified first aid person on-site at all times. Please discuss with your LG RA with regards to the applicable first aid course. Recommendations can vary depending on a variety of factors and can range from 1 day Emergency First Aid, 2 Day CPR C- AED.Attendants:





J’aimee Graston



April 16, 2024

905/907 Campus

Justine Dehod



September 21, 2025

905 Elementary Campus

Shawna Giesbrecht



August 23, 2023

 905/907 Campus

  • First Aid Kit:  
    • CoordinatorsFlex areAcademy advisedis toequipped bring along a basicwith first aid kitkits toin theeach respectiveof eventour ifcampus not otherwise on-site, particularly when parents are not present.
    • Each CC location is to have a First Aid Kit on-site.building

Systems are in place to follow up with students who indicate on the onlinetheir application form that they have a  medical alert that the coordinator/instructors,school etc. needneeds to be aware of.

  • Life

    Flex threateningAcademy Directors and the Flex Academy Inclusive Education coordinator collaborate to ensure Medical Safety plans are in place for students with severe anaphalaxys, seizures, diabetes or any other serious medical condition:condition

    • LGas Assistantrequired forwardsand the medical alert planning formreported to the parent,school along with the permission to administer medication help if applicable.
      • updated annually or when change in doses/ symptoms occur
    • LG assistant forwards ason a ccstudent's copymedical ofplanning allform.


      Flex paperworkAcademy to coordinator

    • Coordinator ensures safety plan and alerts are communicated accordingly, respecting the privacy of the individual(s) involved:
      • Support team i.e. TA, EA, lunch supervisor
      • Instructor
  • CC Coordinatorsstaff receive epi-pen refresher training on an annual basis andas awell trainedas parent/adult needs to be present at all times.  

Scenarios can include:

    • Anaphylactic allergy response:anaphylaxis training forfrom anaphylaxis is 1.5 hours, refresher 30 mins
    • Seizure management, severe heart conditions, etc.
    • Type 1 Diabetes- more extensive training required and recommended that an EA be on site to help monitor the student (variables can be student age, severity of diagnosis and symptoms, class sizes, instructor training etc).