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Bus & Transportation Safety Policy

1.0   Definitions 

1.1  In this Bus Safety Policy, the following terms have the meanings set out below:

              1.1.2  inspection” means an assessment of the safe condition of the bus. 

              1.1.3  driver” means the parent, guardian, or other legal representative of a student.

              1.1.4  student” means a current student of Flex Academy or Heritage Christian Online School.

              1.1.5 “the school” means Flex Academy and its  parent Kelowna Christian Center Society.

              1.1.6  rules” means an expected code of conduct for students riding the bus

              1.1.7  evacuation” means the removal of students from the bus in a potentially dangerous situation 

2.0 General

2.1 Flex Academy believes that field trips are a necessary part of education, so we have committed time and resources to use our own school buses for transportation to these field trips.  The Flex bus is owned and operated by the school and its personnel, so we believe the bus is an extension of the school. Students travelling on school buses are under the jurisdiction of their principal and are subject to the code of conduct of Flex Academy. 

3.0 Inspections 

3.1 Flex Academy will ensure that the buses are in safe operating condition before they go out with students in them.  The school will:

              3.1.1  Have mechanical inspections done twice a year

              3.1.2 Have yearly decals updated on the bus from the official ministry of transportation inspectors

              3.1.3  Have pre-trip inspections done each day before a bus goes out on a field trip.

              3.1.4  Have suitable insurance in place 

4.0 Drivers 

4.1  Drivers are expected to have an up-to-date professional class 1, 2 or 4 license.  Drivers may be asked to have a copy of their drivers extract on record.

4.2  Drivers are responsible for pre-trip inspections. If the safety of the vehicle is under question, or if the road conditions are unsafe, the driver is authorized to cancel the use of the bus and have the school make other arrangements for the field trip.

4.3  Drivers should know the state and placement of the first aid kit, the fire extinguisher and snow chains, emergency exits and flares/triangle.

4.4  Drivers must be familiar with bus evacuation procedures

4.5  Drivers should train chaperones on student rules and evacuation procedures and conduct an annual drill

4.6  Drivers are expected to check the bus for cleanliness before and after the trip

4.7  Drivers should remind students of the bus rules before every trip 

5.0 Student Rules for Bus Trips 

5.1  Always follow the bus driver’s instructions

5.2  Face forward and stay in your seat.  Do not sit sideways, backwards, stand, or move about the bus.

5.3  Keep the aisle of the bus clear at all times.

5.4  Always keep your head, hands and arms inside the bus.

5.5  Throwing objects inside or outside of the bus is not permitted.

5.6  Keep noise levels down. The driver needs to concentrate to safely drive the bus.

5.7  Fighting, shouting, or use of obscene language is not permitted.

5.8  Use the garbage container provided

5.9  Remain in the seat until the bus comes to a complete stop. 

6.0 Evacuation Information

6.1  Drivers must be familiar with evacuation procedures.  They will not be expected to conduct evacuation drills, because the school only has field trip buses, not daily to and from routes. 

Drivers should advise chaperones of evacuation exits/procedures and rules before the trip.

6.2  Usually, students remain on the bus during an emergency. But two situations require

passengers be evacuated from the bus:

              6.2.1 fire, or danger of fire

              6.2.2 unsafe position

6.3  There are several types of evacuations:

              6.3.1 Front door

              6.3.2 Rear door

              6.3.3 Combination evacuation

              6.3.4 Emergency window or hatch evacuation

6.4  Front door evacuation is usually used when there is little or no danger and when time is not a factor (i.e.: if the bus breaks down or similar problem).  

7.0  Evacuation Procedure 

7.1  Use the following procedure with the (most suitable) emergency exit

              7.1.1  Set parking brake, and turn off engine (remove key).

              7.1.2  Stand, open the door, face the children, and get their attention.

              7.1.3  Give the command: “We will be evacuating the bus by the (best evacuation route).  Leave everything on the bus”

              7.1.4  The driver appoints two (2) leaders who leave the bus and all students will follow to a safe place AT LEAST 35 METERS from the bus and remain there in a group until given further instructions by the leaders.

              7.1.5 Appointed leaders are to stand outside the front door to count and assist passengers as they leave the bus.

              7.1.6 Standing between the first occupied seats, you will then turn and face the front of the bus and starting with the right-hand seat, tap the shoulder of the student nearest the aisle to indicate that those occupants should move out. Say, “WALK, DON’T RUN – USE HAND RAILS.”

              7.1.7 Hold your hand before the occupants of the left-hand seat in a restraining gesture.

              7.1.8 When the students in the right-hand seat have moved forward far enough to clear the aisle, dismiss the occupants of the left-hand seats.

       7.1.9 Continue evacuation procedures as described, right and left seats alternately, until the bus is empty. When the last seat is empty, walk to the front of the bus and check to see that everyone is out