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Athletics Expectations


Our aim is to have Athletics be a meaningful part of students' school experience and
our school community as a whole. As such, we uphold strong values within for our sports teams
and fans.


With regards to Athlete, Coach, and Spectator behaviour, the following is expected conduct. Flex Academy
School members will:

  • demonstrate respect to the officials and to the other teams at all times
  • will not respond to officials in negative ways and are not to argue calls, whether valid or
    invalid. (Coaches are asked to remove an argumentative player from play immediately
    until they are ready to apologize to the official they have wronged)
  • Players should never receive technical fouls or red cards – a player that does will have
    their behavior reviewed by the Athletic Coordinator with possible discipline to follow
  • Students must have at least 65% in all of their courses to have the right to play in